A star-crazy Chennai flocks to the Marina Beach for a rendezvous with matinee idols. Makeshift studios set up on the sands give fans a chance to have a photo taken with their favourite actors and cricketers. Fans pose with cardboard cut-outs of their favourite stars after getting little makeup done on the spot. All this comes at a cheap price, a mere Rs. 25 for a photograph with one star. Extra stars cost extra. But for the average Chennaite, this is a small price to pay to rub shoulders with the Thalaivar himself.


Nathan G, a freelance photographer for the last 8 years, is mainly interested in photographing social, political and cultural issues. He has contributed photographs to TIME, Wallstreet Journal, Guardian, New York Times, Greenpeace, UNICEF, Indian Express, Mint, OPEN, Housecalls, Tehelka, SPIN, Namaskaar, Incredible India, Timeout, and many other magazines.

He is represented by European Pressphoto Agency.


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